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Fujian MinGong Machinery Co., Ltd. > Product Center > Wheel LoaderMGM951

Wheel LoaderMGM951

Product Introduction: Dual-rocker high-unloading operating device design can significantly increase the operating range of the complete machine.
Reinforced frame with lengthened wheel base has good stability and can adapt to various moderate working conditions such as mines.


●Dual-rocker high-unloading operating device design can significantly increase the operating range of the complete machine.
●Reinforced frame with lengthened wheel base has good stability and can adapt to various moderate working conditions such as mines.
●Four-component dual-turbine efficient powerful shift gearbox has large traction, small impact and stable startup.
●High-performance turbocharged engine is adopted to realize strong power and reduce energy consumption.
●Domestic advanced dual-pump converging prior steering high-pressure system is adopted to realize strong rising force, smooth action and comfortable operation.
●Air-over-oil four-wheel dual-caliper-disc braking system is adopted to shorten braking distance and favorably ensure driving safety.
●Cab has wide view field, small noise and vibration and good operation environment.



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