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ADD:Andong Industrial Zone, Jinjiang, Fujian, China.
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Fujian MinGong Machinery Co., Ltd. > Product Center > Wheel Loaoder MGM958

Wheel Loaoder MGM958

Product Introduction: Wheel loader MGM958 is equipped with high level turbocharged engine ,large power and low oil consumption.


●Single-rocker and long-wheelbase structure, high-strength operating device and frame are adopted to realize strong rising force, large traction, good stability, short action cycle time of operating
device and superior machine performance, thus especially applicable to heavy-load operation in mines.
●The hinge points of front and rear frames are centrally arranged to superpose the front and rear wheel marks during steering, improve trafficability and prolong service life of tire.
●Four-component dual-turbine efficient powerful shift gearbox has large traction, small impact and stable startup.
●Dual-pump converging coaxial flow-amplification steering hydraulic system has the features of high efficiency, energy conservation, good power performance, flexible operation and reliable
●The braking system with automatic air-cutoff protection function has greatly reliable and safe operation.
●Cab has wide view field, small noise and vibration and superior operation environment.



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